What is Genesis Loot / What are Genesis Adventurers?
🔮 Genesis Loot is a community-created NFT project that represents the original 2,540 "Genesis" Adventurers of the Lootverse, whose existence is implied by and derived from the original Loot contract.
- Genesis Loot bags are the unshuffled, original Loot bags that were carried by the Genesis Adventurers
- Genesis Adventurers are the beings who were here on the day of creation and during the Genesis Era of Loot.
- As the original beings in the Lootverse these Genesis Adventurers carry special powers and ancient knowledge.
- Derived from the original Loot contract, there are 2,540 Genesis Adventurers, organized across the 16 Orders.
- Learn more about the Genesis Project here
- The Genesis Project is currently the #1 Lootverse project in terms of ETH volume traded (on OpenSea and NFTx), and is #1 on LootWatcher.
There Are 2,540 Genesis Adventurers
But not all have been built and minted yet — each one requires careful teamwork and collaboration between holders of OG Loot.
The Genesis Project: The Original Order of the Loot Universe